Date Night In San Diego

Everyone needs to experience a night like this. Cute, intimate, and truly innovative for the pandemic world we are living in today, Seaside Cinema takes a traditional movie viewing to the next level. Every detail is thought through – from the snacks, to the blankets, all the way to the beautiful sunset… you really can’t go wrong. 

Written by Ashley Dunn


Seaside Cinema has several packages to choose from – we were lucky enough to experience the Premium package. We arrived at about 5:30 PM (have to get that prime lighting for the pics) and the sun was starting to settle over the water. The team had everything set up perfectly, where you could just barely see the light of the *twinkly* lights covering the blanket.  A beautiful charcuterie spread welcomed us, begging to be eaten.


I sound like I’m about to write a romantic novel now…. “As the sun sets over the water, I look out onto the horizon..” BUT I’m being truthfully honest!! The lighting needs to be just dark enough to be able to see the movie screen, so watching the sun set go down over Mission Bay, it was the *calm* I needed after a long week. Seaside Cinema could set up elsewhere, if you so choose, even at your own home (for a fee)…. But, honestly (even if you’re paying slightly more) DO IT AT THE BAY. My girlfriend and I have been dating for a while, but this was honestly one of the best dates we’ve been on. 



The Snacks!

So, as SDFoodies, we must talk about the food. Food? Yes, with the premium package you get food! The team had little “Movie trays” ready for us, set up perfectly with an adorable golden plate/napkin setting. It reminded me of going to the movie as a kid – skittles, popcorn, chocolate, the whole nine yards. But wait…. There’s more! The charcuterie tray was fantastic. Homemade and with all the works. Not only do you get to enjoy skittles, but you get a little *dash* of adulting with fine cheese ;)


Movie Ideas!

Wait until it gets dark, just to ensure you can see the movie (a recommendation they gave us, that was SO true). We decided to watch Narcos, as you get to bring your own content. It was as easy as just plugging in our phone into the projector. Que up something from Netflix, Amazon, HBO… and you’re ready to go. We could see perfectly and the only interruption was the occasional person saying “Oh my gosh, that’s such a cute experience”.  

Honestly, I think the best thing about Seaside Cinema is that “the team” decided to hop on this idea after a long few months in quarantine. A couple, bored out of their minds, somewhat over the pandemic world of 2020. They both have full time jobs, but dedicate their spare time to making San Diego a little bit happier. We really admire the hard work this team put into this experience and we would have to encourage for everyone to not only experience Seaside Cinema because  IT’S CUTE.. but because supporting small businesses is KEY to making San Diego beautiful. 



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